About Us
Valérian Chambon
Personal websiteValérian Chambon holds a CNRS senior position (Directeur de Recherche) at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS-PSL). His research focuses on the 'sense of agency', i.e. the feeling of controlling one's own actions and the consequences of these actions in the outside world. His research aims to characterize the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying this feeling, as well as its alterations (illusory control, delusion of control, out-of-the-loop phenomenon).
Edgar Dubourg
Personal websiteEdgar Dubourg is doing a PhD in cognitive science at the Département d’études cognitives of the Ecole normale supérieure (ENS-PSL). He is interested in how cognitive adaptations and adaptive sources of variability influence both the universality and the variability of preferences for fictional stories.