Legal notices

Owner of the Website:

Valérian Chambon

Institut Jean Nicod

Address: 29 Rue d'Ulm, Paris, France

Phone: 01 44 32 26 47


Hosting Provider:

Vercel Inc

Address: 340 S Lemon Ave #4133 Walnut, CA 91789

Phone: (559) 288-7060


Data Collection and Use:

We collect responses to participants' questions on the quizzes and any other data only if participants consent. Participants can still take the test without consenting to data collection.

Data Storage:

Personal data will be stored anonymously on researchers' professional computers, which are encrypted and protected.

Data Sharing:

The data will be used solely for research purposes. Anonymized data may be shared with third parties through open access portals for scientific purposes, making it impossible to trace back to specific individuals.

Data Retention:

Data will be retained for as long as necessary for research purposes and will be deleted once it is no longer needed.

User Rights:

Participants have the right to access, correct, and delete their data. Requests can be made by emailing one of the researchers. Contact details are available on the About Us page.

Contact Information:

For any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please refer to the About Us page on the website.


User Conduct:

Spamming of the GPT-generated descriptions of personality profiles is prohibited.

Intellectual Property:

The content of the site, including questions and articles, is owned by Edgar Dubourg and Valérian Chambon.
Downloadable cards can be shared and reproduced without conditions. All text on the site is free to use. Please contact the researchers for more information.


The accuracy of the information provided on the website and the results of the quizzes is not guaranteed. The content is intended for informational purposes only.

Limitation of Liability:

There are no specific limitations of liability set forth. Users should use the website at their own risk.

Modification of Terms:

These terms and conditions may be modified at any time. Users will be informed of changes via email. Ensure your email is updated with the researchers.

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